wenn jemand interessiert ist, ich hab mal aus langeweile ein wallpaper gemacht
da ich jetzt photoshop habe, werde ich wohl öfter mal was versuchen. schaun mer mal... ja ich weiß, das bild kann man auch mit paint machen, aber ich übe noch
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
Na, so schlecht isses doch gar nicht! Und ich find die Idee die dahinter steht (...Meat im Wandel der Zeiten) gut! Willst mir wohl jetzt Konkurrenz machen, wat?!?
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
weil ja fast jeder mittlerweile 16:9 hat, mache ich die wallys alle in 1600x900 wer eine andere größe braucht, oder was bestimmtes möchte, einfach bescheid sagen
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
n bissl mehr Mühe könntest du dir schon geben... Ränder sind unsauber - nicht nur den magischen Hintergrundradierer nutzen, sondern auch das Freistellungswerkzeug und so...
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”