Ok ich habe etwas geschlafen und muss auch gleich zugeben, dass ich Myspace etc in letzter Zeit ziemlich vernachlässigt habt. Aber ich war vorhin mal wieder auf der Myspace Seite von Randy, wo er in seinem Blog gepostet hat(Was er eigentlich sonst nie macht) das er in dem Soundtrack von 2012 (geiler Film) Gitarre spielt !
Hier sein Original Posting :
2012 soundtrack I am terrible at these blog things but I think it's so cool that I had the opportunity to play guitar on the Adam Lambert song "Time For Miracles" for the 2012 soundtrack, I just had to tell everyone about it!!! thats three exclamation points (so you know I'm excited) anyway, It's a really good tune produced by the great Rob Cavallo, who also produced the new Meat Loaf record. I had an amazing time working on Meat's album over the summer.(it's really really good)