16.2 Korn - Leipzig (ich hoffe sie tretten nicht pünklich auf, an dem tag ist heimspiel )
23.2 Nightwish - Leipzig
15.3 The Boss Hoss - Dresden
11.4 Gentleman - Bremen (das passt, ein tag später ist heimspiel )
28.5 Ingo Appelt - Leipzig
4.7 Santana - Leipzig
11. - 13.7 Splash! Festival - Pouch (nähe Leipzig). unter anderem mit:
Blumentopf, Gentleman, M.O.P., Looptroop(!!!), Kool Savas, Jan Delay, Das Bo, Dynamite Deluxe(!!!), Culcha Candela und vielen anderen fetten HipHop, Reggae, Ragga und Dancehall Acts
19.9 Oliver Pocher - Leipzig
12.10 Helge Schneider - Leipzig
und Kiss will ich auch sehen. mal gucken ob es noch karten gibt....
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
Ende Mai lass ich mich mental in die "Tin Pan Alley" Ära versetzen und lausche dann den Liedern wie "Beautyful Neuss" (eine lyrische Hommage an den Niederrhein - glaub ich) oder "I am ...I said", gesungen von Neil Diamond
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”