“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
So ihr lieben... Nach einigem rumsuchen und recherieren habe ich entdeckt, das es Meat wohl besser geht! Er spielt sogar wieder Golf... Das Video ist scheinbar vor ein paar Tagen aufgenommen worden. Na gut, dabei muss er ja auch nicht wirklich viel reden...
Aber: Einlochen kann der Mann... Holla die Waldfee....
Und wer wissen will, wie er im Moment aussieht (meiner Meinung nach schon um einiges besser als noch vor 3 Monaten!!) der schaue mal in der Suche bei www.gettyimages.com ...
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”
“the world has pissed me off. for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”