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 Meat Loaf
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Piwo Offline


Beiträge: 247

31.01.2008 10:38
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Laut einigen Postings im anderen Forum scheint es mit wieder bergauf zu gehen.
hanswurst Offline

Nicht mehr zu helfen !

Beiträge: 2.256

31.01.2008 17:27
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ja und er plant wohl ne neue platte wenn ich das richtig gelesen hab


“the world has pissed me off.
for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket.
the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”

meat loaf - 2012

hanswurst Offline

Nicht mehr zu helfen !

Beiträge: 2.256

31.01.2008 17:31
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Meat says he's on the nutri-system diet...and he bought a freezer...only to learn that the food comes in boxes and goes in the cabinet with your corn!! Lmao!!
The interview was primarily about the new show Meat is hosting, which most of us already know about..."A Rock and a Hard Place". They talked about how the show is for charity, and Meat has alot of room for we know it will be FUNNY!
Then they talked football, and the superbowl, although Meat did not directly say his pick for the winner.
The DJ (I believe was cowhead)...talked about how he was afraid of his Mom's BOOH 8-track cover...LOL (I started listening to BOOH on my mom's 8-track... never scared me!)
A brief discussion about them meeting at Ruth Eckerd hall, some time ago...and then....
THE QUESTION....Are you going to be touring again...I heard Bat III and really enjoyed it, great songs, etc etc.
I held my breath waiting for the "tour" response...but instead Meat said how Bat III has sold about 3 million world-wide....( WTG MEAT ) and he did mention working on another album too!
He never really answered the tour question though...oh well, guess we will have to wait and HOPE!
He sounds GREAT, as always, It was worth waiting all day, even just to hear a few minutes of Meat!!



“the world has pissed me off.
for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket.
the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”

meat loaf - 2012

hanswurst Offline

Nicht mehr zu helfen !

Beiträge: 2.256

31.01.2008 17:33
gesundheitliche News Zitat · Antworten


“the world has pissed me off.
for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket.
the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”

meat loaf - 2012

Jasmin Offline


Beiträge: 323

31.01.2008 17:42
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Denyo schrieb am 31.01.2008 17:31 Uhr:
Meat says he's on the nutri-system diet...and he bought a freezer...only to learn that the food comes in boxes and goes in the cabinet with your corn!! Lmao!!
The interview was primarily about the new show Meat is hosting, which most of us already know about..."A Rock and a Hard Place". They talked about how the show is for charity, and Meat has alot of room for we know it will be FUNNY!
Then they talked football, and the superbowl, although Meat did not directly say his pick for the winner.
The DJ (I believe was cowhead)...talked about how he was afraid of his Mom's BOOH 8-track cover...LOL (I started listening to BOOH on my mom's 8-track... never scared me!)
A brief discussion about them meeting at Ruth Eckerd hall, some time ago...and then....
THE QUESTION....Are you going to be touring again...I heard Bat III and really enjoyed it, great songs, etc etc.
I held my breath waiting for the "tour" response...but instead Meat said how Bat III has sold about 3 million world-wide....( WTG MEAT ) and he did mention working on another album too!
He never really answered the tour question though...oh well, guess we will have to wait and HOPE!
He sounds GREAT, as always, It was worth waiting all day, even just to hear a few minutes of Meat!!


Dennis darf ich dich bitten wenn du was englisches postest es grob zu übersetzen? Denke das da vielleicht auch andere Schwierigkeiten mit haben. Danke dir!!
kiwi1980 ( gelöscht )

31.01.2008 17:43
gesundheitliche News Zitat · Antworten


Denyo schrieb am 31.01.2008 17:31 Uhr:
I held my breath waiting for the "tour" response...but instead Meat said how Bat III has sold about 3 million world-wide....( WTG MEAT ) and he did mention working on another album too!
He never really answered the tour question though...oh well, guess we will have to wait and HOPE!
He sounds GREAT, as always, It was worth waiting all day, even just to hear a few minutes of Meat!!


and he did mention working on another album too!

Greedo Offline


Beiträge: 188

31.01.2008 18:25
gesundheitliche News Zitat · Antworten
Im Hamburg hat er ja auch gesagt, dass es Anfang dieses Jahr mit was neuem losgeht. Schön, dass er sein Wort gehalten und nicht gelogen hat.

Wasted youth is better by far than a wise and productive old age!

kiwi1980 ( gelöscht )

31.01.2008 19:01
gesundheitliche News Zitat · Antworten


Jasmin schrieb am 31.01.2008 17:42 Uhr:


Denyo schrieb am 31.01.2008 17:31 Uhr:
Meat says he's on the nutri-system diet...and he bought a freezer...only to learn that the food comes in boxes and goes in the cabinet with your corn!! Lmao!!
The interview was primarily about the new show Meat is hosting, which most of us already know about..."A Rock and a Hard Place". They talked about how the show is for charity, and Meat has alot of room for we know it will be FUNNY!
Then they talked football, and the superbowl, although Meat did not directly say his pick for the winner.
The DJ (I believe was cowhead)...talked about how he was afraid of his Mom's BOOH 8-track cover...LOL (I started listening to BOOH on my mom's 8-track... never scared me!)
A brief discussion about them meeting at Ruth Eckerd hall, some time ago...and then....
THE QUESTION....Are you going to be touring again...I heard Bat III and really enjoyed it, great songs, etc etc.
I held my breath waiting for the "tour" response...but instead Meat said how Bat III has sold about 3 million world-wide....( WTG MEAT ) and he did mention working on another album too!
He never really answered the tour question though...oh well, guess we will have to wait and HOPE!
He sounds GREAT, as always, It was worth waiting all day, even just to hear a few minutes of Meat!!


Dennis darf ich dich bitten wenn du was englisches postest es grob zu übersetzen? Denke das da vielleicht auch andere Schwierigkeiten mit haben. Danke dir!!

Mein englisch ist nicht das beste, aber grob überesetzt ging es darum, dass sich der DJ mit Meat unterhalten hat, nach einer eventuellen neuen Tour fragte, darauf aber leider keine Anwort bekam, dafür Meat stolz erzählte, dass sich Bat III 3 Millionen mal weltweit verkauft hat und er hat angemerkt, das an einem neuen Album gearbeitet wird... *freeeeuuuu*

(na ja.. wir wissen ja zu gut was es heißt, wie lange man auf ein Meat Loaf Album warten kann / muss... )
Dominic Offline


Beiträge: 483

01.02.2008 16:59
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Mit Desmond Child ging doch sogar Bat 3 in ca. einem Jahr über die Bühne.
Piwo Offline


Beiträge: 247

01.02.2008 17:35
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Kann man, glaube ich, so nicht sagen. "It´s all coming back to me now" sollte schon auf die BAT II.
hanswurst Offline

Nicht mehr zu helfen !

Beiträge: 2.256

06.02.2008 18:28
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das hier habe ich gerade bei gefunden:


laut einer aktuellen nachricht auf dem messageboard der seite tourt meat möglicherweise dieses jahr durch europa (!!!), asien, indien und australien. da man auf der seite registriert sein muss, hab ich das betreffende posting mal kopiert:

" Yup, he says he will be in Europe, Asia, India and Australia this year, THIS YEAR! Ain't it great!?"

bitte beachten, das ist noch nix offizielles, sondern nur ein fan-posting! aber vorsorglich sollte man vielleicht doch schon mal mit dem sparen anfangen.


“the world has pissed me off.
for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket.
the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”

meat loaf - 2012

kiwi1980 ( gelöscht )

06.02.2008 18:35
gesundheitliche News Zitat · Antworten
Oh man.. wenn auch nur zu 20% an der Aussage was dran ist, wäre es tatsächlich ein Lichtblick... Obwohl sich bei mir gleich wieder die Angst einstellt, Meat könnte sich ZU früh wieder ZU viel zumuten... Ich würde sagen, wir warten ab..
Yvonne Offline


Beiträge: 190

16.02.2008 21:31
gesundheitliche News Zitat · Antworten
Neuigkeiten auf Pauls Seite:


In other COOL news... MEAT LOAF is feeling great and is going to tour over the Summer and into the Fall!

Meat Loaf is an actor, who acts like he can sing

-Rob Cavallo-

kiwi1980 ( gelöscht )

16.02.2008 22:16
gesundheitliche News Zitat · Antworten


Yvonne schrieb am 16.02.2008 21:31 Uhr:
Neuigkeiten auf Pauls Seite:


In other COOL news... MEAT LOAF is feeling great and is going to tour over the Summer and into the Fall!

hanswurst Offline

Nicht mehr zu helfen !

Beiträge: 2.256

16.02.2008 23:09
gesundheitliche News Zitat · Antworten


“the world has pissed me off.
for the past three or four years I’ve been saying the world has gone to hell in a hand basket.
the world’s crazy, and it feels like you can’t say anything about it.”

meat loaf - 2012

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